In the years I've benn in the desing career (three years) I have used different websites and based my work on references, adn in that way have a good quality in my projects, so I want to show your some of these to you.
- Marco Creativo: is a YouTube channel made by Marco Garcia, graphic designer, that teaches the essentials for the creations of brands: effects, techniques, conceptualization, theories, typographies to use, among others things. The most interesting thing about the channel is that it also makes especific videos where it review brands made by its subscribers, which generates a pleasant learning community about desing. Down the channel link.
- Pictoline: is a Mexican group in social networks that is responsible for making infographics of relevant issues in society. His works are very identifiable and if you need a reference to make infographics you must know pictoline. Down the instagram acount link.
- Pantone: is an American corporation that created the Pantone Matching System (PMS), a system that allows identifying colors for printing by means of a specific code, in other words, it is a proprietary system of color matching. On his website you can find his chromatic palette, which is very variable. Down the website link.
I hope this information helps you :)
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